Testing Environment

United States / New Hampshire / NH Congressional District 2

NH Congressional District 2

Annie Kuster statements on crypto

Lily Williams statements on crypto

profile picture of Lily Williams

Lily Williams


x.com logo
Electronically track cattle? This is inside the US House bill. Chinese style social credit system, #CBDCs for cattle to control ranchers & our food supplies. Wake up, vote out most of those politicians in DC. Tell the common folks what they are doing to us. What a nightmare. x.com/RepThomasMassi…
Pending Analysis
profile picture of Lily Williams

Lily Williams


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RT @BuenoForMiami: Ross Ulbricht paid the US Government over $3 Billion in Bitcoin and in addition is paying the government with his life (…
Pending Analysis

Vikram Mansharamani statements on crypto

profile picture of Vikram Mansharamani

Vikram Mansharamani


x.com logo
🧵Cryptocurrency is an amazing leap forward in the history of money, and crypto will be aided by the Responsible Financial Innovation Act. (1/5) #nhpolitics #NHSen
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Vikram Mansharamani

Vikram Mansharamani


x.com logo
And if I am elected, I would be a strong advocate for cryptocurrencies, as I believe that this is good for my home state of New Hampshire. (5/5) #nhpolitics #NHSen
Very pro-crypto
Quoted from www.linkedin.com on Jun 7th, 2022

Vikram Mansharamani's OpEd on Linkedin, "Wait, Did Washington Just Do Something Right?!?"

"...if I was in the US Senate, I would vote for this bill. In fact, I would also sponsor legislation that further strengthened the crypto market, facilitated the use of cryptocurrencies, and set the conditions that empowered entrepreneurs and innovators to create financial innovations that we have not yet dreamed up. As the crypto community grows and matures, it must learn how to defend and promote itself in the halls of power. All industries and sectors have their champions in Congress: Agriculture has the support of the Plains; manufacturing interests are defended and promoted by the Rust Belt; and industries ranging from technology to shipping and oil and gas to entertainment have figured out how to protect and advance their interests. The crypto and digital assets industry must do the same.

If I am elected, I would be a strong advocate for cryptocurrencies, as I believe that this is good for my home state of New Hampshire, as well as for our national economy."

Very pro-crypto

Colin Van Ostern statements on crypto

Quoted from www.standwithcrypto.org on May 2nd, 2024

Colin Van Ostern completed the Stand With Crypto Questionnaire and demonstrated support for crypto and digital assets. He emphasized the importance of crypto in driving technological innovation, economic growth, and job creation. Colin Van Ostern supports comprehensive regulatory frameworks that offer clarity and promote responsible innovation.

Somewhat pro-crypto
Paid for by Stand with Crypto Alliance, Inc. Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 302-566-8028.