Testing Environment

United States / Pennsylvania / PA Congressional District 10

PA Congressional District 10

Scott Perry statements on crypto

Rick Coplen has no statements on crypto.

Blake Lynch has no statements on crypto.

Janelle Stelson statements on crypto

Quoted from www.standwithcrypto.org on May 15th, 2024

Janelle Stelson completed the Stand With Crypto Questionnaire and demonstrated support for crypto and digital assets. She emphasized the importance of crypto in driving technological innovation, economic growth, and job creation. Janelle Stelson supports comprehensive regulatory frameworks that offer clarity and promote responsible innovation.

Somewhat pro-crypto

John Broadhurst statements on crypto

Pending Analysis
profile picture of John Broadhurst

John Broadhurst


x.com logo
A currency is a product of a functioning State. Crypto is a libertarian scam disguised as an economic advance.
Very anti-crypto
profile picture of John Broadhurst

John Broadhurst


x.com logo
@samfbiddle @theintercept This misses the point: Crypto currency is an oxymoron. A currency is a product and creation of a functioning State. No private company or individual should be permitted to create any alternative currency in the US$. This is libertarian madness. broadhurstforcongress.com
Somewhat anti-crypto

Mike O'Brien has no statements on crypto.

Shamaine Daniels has no statements on crypto.

Paid for by Stand with Crypto Alliance, Inc. Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 302-566-8028.